Principal Message

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Dear Students,

The future belongs to you. You have, therefore, to prepare yourselves for active participation in the world you live in and have a say in reshaping of men and women, thus, ultimately cause in enhancing the quality of human life.

Try to excel in whatever you do, always remembering that there is scope for further improvement. Make the best use of the facilities at your home, your school and those your country provides to you.

Inculcate in yourselves the habit of leading a planned life and from the habit of doing things regularly. Do not leave any work for tomorrow. This website has been planned with a view to help you keep informed of the habits of planned and regular work.

Fix your hours of study at home. Do your home-work regularly and revise the day’s lesson. Prepare for next lesson too.

With my best wishes and God’s Blessing

Fr. Dr. Robert Varghese