Courses Of Studies and Examination

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The Courses Of Studies and Examination are :

  • Course of Studies includes Moral Science, English, Hindi, Sanskrit, Urdu, History and Civics, Geography, Political Science, General Knowledge, Business Studies, Accountancy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, General Studies, Work Expedience, Economics, Information Technology, Computer Science, Art, Physical Education, Bio-Technology, Art & Craft, S. U. P. W. and many other curricular activities.
  • No pupil is allowed to offer subject which is not regularly taught in the school, or provided for in his approved scheme of studies.
  • The reports will be shown to the parents or guardians after the terminal examinations.
    (a) The final examination will be held in the month of February/March.

    (b) To assess the progress of each student in various subjects, frequent tests are conducted in the school. Term-wise exams are conducted in September and February/March every year.
    (c) Special arrangements for examinations cannot be made for students who, for any reason, are absent from any of the tests. Answer script of final term/annual examination will not be shown to the parents.
    (d) Kindly note that medical certificate is only a disciplinary matter; it does not provide immunity from examination/result.
  • Students absent from an examination for any reason will not be re-examined.
    (a) Willful breach of the regulation for the conduct of the examination is punishable by expulsion from the examination hall and subsequently leading to the cancellation of the paper.

    (b) Candidates who are detected in giving or obtaining or attempting to give or obtain unfair assistance or who otherwise are detected in any dishonesty whatsoever, will be expelled from the examination room forthwith and be refused admission to subsequent papers or expelled from the school.
  • Absence from examinations of any subject excludes a student from being reckoned in the order of merit in the examination.
  • If a student does not have 75% attendance of the working days for the year he/she will not be considered for promotion.
  • For promotion, a student has to obtain clear pass marks in major subjects.
  • Pupils of all classes must secure 33% marks in every subject for a pass.
  • Promotion refused will not be reconsidered.
  • A student who fails shall forfeit for the ensuing year any concession in the fees, and may even be advised to leave the school, particularly if his/her conduct has not been satisfactory in the school. If a student fails twice, he/she will have to leave the institution.
  • Reports will be withheld for non-payment of school dues.
  • Games in the evening are allowed for classes VI to Xll.